Wedding Week: Thursday Issues

Wednesday's hit list was a complete success although Nathalie was the only one to make it to the pool for some sun, Dave was stuck in errands.

Thursday serves as kind of the calm before the storm. Tasks are pretty simple but need to get done. Business really starts to pick up on Saturday.

Here's what Thursday entails...

1. CLEAN THE APARTMENT!! Top to bottom.

2. Dave needs to go pick up his pay cheque.

3. Go to Post Office to pick up a package.


5. Table numbers

6. Get to the pool.

Will there be more to do.. absolutely.

Yesterday we had to do a little shuffling of the seating chart due to a guest having to inform us that she could not make dinner. It happens.

We paid the photographer her final installment... hit the wallet hard.

Nathalie and I also started to take on an artistic project.. more on that later.

Nerves appear calm here in the apartment, Nathalie and I both are pretty relaxed about Saturday... for now :)


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